Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
We are committed to reaching villages and remote communities through training pastors and empowering leaders. Through partnerships with local organizations and leadership, we are expecting to launch an anti-human trafficking program in the year ahead.
Ankara, Turkey
Since 2014 we’ve been working with partners in Turkey to provide help and support to displaced communities from the refugee crisis in the Middle East.
Bangkok, Thailand
A thriving church in Bangkok is an integral part of Overcomer reaching the unchurched and helping disabled children and homeless within encampments outside of the city.
Shanghai, China
We support leaders in China and establish centers to educate and transform communities.
Kochi, India
Our partner in India works to create strategies that propel communities with the greatest needs toward well-being.
Batam, Indonesia
Through strategic partnerships we are providing an education and safe work for women in compromised living situations. We believe that educating and establishing women is a great first step in saving the lives of children and keeping them out of the trafficking industry.
Managua, Nicaragua
Our partners in Managua, Nicaragua provide food and medical care to the elderly in impoverished and compromised areas. Their church also serves as a resource to many families and children across the city.
Tirana, Albania
The earthquake that struck Albania in 2019 decimated homes and left many families with very little. Our partners continue to provide support through shelter, medical supplies and clothing.
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Our partners in Southeast Asia work to educate and equip local leaders with the hope of transforming negative social patterns through education, outreach programs, and offering new micro-business opportunities. It has grown into a large network of leadership training centers, anti-human trafficking efforts, and local community development initiatives
Auburn, Washington
From local homeless initiatives to providing groceries and household supplies to families in need, Overcomer is committed to making a positive impact in our community.
Havana, Cuba
For more than twenty years we have been planting and building churches, and transforming communities by empowering community leaders.