The Month of the Youth

Four areas of concern our youth encounter



“Remember now thy Creator in the days of your Youth…”

Ecclesiastes 12:1a

disappointment in family or friends

Whether family members, friends at school, or a trusted adult, disappointment can be difficult to experience. In our disappointment, we may witness those we thought were faithful turn away from God. There may also be times when we could see people we care about grow distant from God. In other situations, there may be times when we see those we love in compromising positions or who walk away from God. We must remember to pray through our disappointment.


“Because of the increase of wickedness, the lover of most will grow cold, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.”

Matthew 24:12-13


bullying & retaliation

Jesus teaches about turning the other cheek. Of course, this may be easier said than done. Jesus wants us to consider how we respond when someone hurts us or when asked to do something we do not want to. God wants you to be fully equiped and prepared to respond to insults and persecution.


"Don't retaliate with insults when people insult you. Instead, pay them back with a blessing. That is what God has called you to do, and he will grant you His blessing."

1 Peter 3:9


The pressures of purity and abstinence

Creating Godly boundaries does not mean that God doesn't want you to have fun or enjoy your youth. You can never go wrong whenever you walk with God and abide in His presence. Remember, in God's presence there is fullness of joy. In today's world, social media, school, and overall culture make it very difficult to fully embrace the commitment to living a life of purity. The first step in dealing with peer pressure is mastering the ability to tell yourself "NO". If you tell yourself no, it makes it easier to tell your peers no and also any other pressures of the world.


"For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love, He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One He loves."

Ephesians 1:4-6



The enemy tries to sow seeds of self-doubt, especially in the face of adversity.

Have you ever asked yourself these questions:

  • Am I enough?

  • Do I have what it takes?

Becoming aware of your potential as a youth and learning the power of perseverance will help you accomplish both short-term and long-term goals and aspirations.

Three ways to grow in perseverance are:

  • Set reasonable goals.

  • Give yourself grace, especially after a big disappointment, it's okay to take a break.

  • Observe how your parents and role models deal with hardships and/or disappointments (They can also help you navigate through the challenges of life!)


“You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised.”

Hebrews 10:36


If you or your family members are experiencing some life challenges, we as the Health Ministry have several community resources at our fingertips. Let us know how we can help!


Do you have a passion to encourage others to serve God holistically through our minds, bodies, and souls? We invite both medical professionals and non-medical people to join this special team!